Research expertise of Academic Staff

Ms. Anitha Siriwardhana
Head of the Department [In-house Faculty]
- The 2nd International Conference of IHRA - 4oC 2021 ( IC2 - IHRAUOC ) - Journal of IHRA -LIOC "Philosophical assumptions on causes behind the spread of COVID-19 Virus"
- IRCMF 2021- Doctoral Colloquium - "Management control in private sector Higher Educational Institutions Preparing for Education 4.0 : case study in Sri Lanka"
- CINEC Journal Vol 5. Issue II - Sociological & Psycho-social perspective on spread of COVID-19 Virus: A study on philosophical paradigms.
Presentations in academic research conferences
- 16th International Research Conference on Management & Finance ( IRCMF 2021)
- The 2nd International Conference of IHRA - 4oC 2021
- CINEC Journal on International Research Symposium

Mr. Ruchira Perera
Lecturer [Visiting Faculty]
- Corporate governance, Economic and Academic Reforms in Sri Lanka @ the global summit on Academic and Economic reforms in Kolkata, India, 2017
- Role of professional accountants in achieving SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2018
- Professional Accountants and ESG Initiatives @ the SAFA foundation day conference in Delhi, India, 2022
- Avoiding fraud and corruption to transform businesses with benefits to society @ the CMA National Management Accounting Conference, Sri Lanka
- Accounting Practices of SMEs leading to financing challenges – CMA National Management Accounting Journal
- Impact of corporate governance practices of SMEs to firm performance and financing – CMA National Management Accounting Journal

Ms. Udani Dilrangi
Lecturer [In-house Faculty]
- 2021, " Rising Amidst Chaos: A Critical Review on Resilient Leadership in the Sri Lankan Apparel Industry during Covid-19", International Conference on Business Innovation 2021, NSBM Green University (Co-Author - Ms. K G G S Karunathilaka)
- 2020, "A Study on the Effect of Psychological Resilience on Covid-19 Stressors of Academics in Higher Education Sector in Sri Lanka", International Conference on Business Innovation 2020, NSBM Green University (Co-Author - Ms. K G G S Karunathilaka)