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Research Circle

The Lyceum Campus Inaugurated it's first research circle at Lyceum Campus with Professor Arosha Adikaram as the chartering chair. The circle is established with the objectives of thriving research excellence, to generate new knowledge and to build a transformative educational path for our students. Our commitment to research excellence extends beyond the boundaries of traditional academia. We envision our research circle as a dynamic hub for engagement with industry partners, government agencies, and the wider community, creating opportunities for applied research, innovation, and social impact.

Professor Arosha Adikaram

Research Chair
  • Chair Professor of Human Resource Management Department, Faculty of Management and Finance - UoC
  • Former Head of the Department of Human Resources Management Faculty of Management and Finance - UoC
  • Author, Intellectual, Academic, Social Constructivist and award winning researcher
  • The prestigious CVCD (Committee of Vice Chancellors and Directors) award for the Most Outstanding Senior Researcher of Management of 2022
  • University of Colombo Vice Chancellor’s Award for research excellence in Management and Finance in 2016 and 2018
  • Senate Award for Research Excellence in 2022 and 2018 and commendation in 2019 and 2021.
  • Best paper awards at two international research conferences.

Prof. Adikaram has been awarded research fellowships from University of Japan under the Asian University Alliance Scholarship International Labour Organization, Geneva University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia Sri Lanka Foundation and Fedrick Ebert Stiftung. Advisory board member of research journals Guest Editor for South Asian Journal of HRM Editorial Board member of Colombo Business Journal Rreviewer of numerous ranked local and international journals.

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